I have been trying to program infineon mcu via usb to rs485 converter.
Procedure to check mcu is working fine: Query command sent using hercules : 0×80 Response sent by mcu : 0×55 (correct response)
I developed usb to rs485 converter and mcu is getting programmed. But when i try to program it using generic usb to rs485 converters available is market, it is not programming.
I have also found the reason. Auto enable pin of generic usb to rs485 converters goes low (change to receive mode) after start bit sent by mcu. Thus converters assume next high to low pulse as start bit and reads 0xD5 instead of 0×55.
This peculiar behavior is happening since controller does not let auto enable line to be stabilized and sends response immediately.
I have to use generic converters due to some reasons but quick response of mcu is putting restriction.
Could somebody help in this matter please? How can i either control auto enable logic via A,B signal of rs485 or send response after some delay so that line could be stabled.