Im currently trying to leave the arduino board aside and starting program microcontrollers on pcb boards via programming pins, im using an ATMEGA328u from this premade board, For starters im trying to upload the bootloader, i know every single connection its in place since this pcb is a kit, the FTDI driver is instlalled in my machine, the cable has been verified to work by using this guide
ftdi Board pins
However I have no idea of how to actually write the program and upload it to the microcontroller, I have been messing with the arduino IDE all day my FTDI cable its at COM10, however no programmer avaiable at the arduino IDE seems to work with this cable, I have been looking and trying all day with no luck,
How can i write code in c and upload it to my microcontroller using the FTDI cable? do I need a specific software to do this? Any special configuration or hack? what am I missing?
Actual schemmatic of the project Im trying to program
I am currently using this datasheet for my cable